Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

It's been a painful day. The debate over gun control on Facebook gets heated and hurtful. I felt compelled  to "unfriend" a few close friends because of their outrageous opinions on mass murder and the NRA. It's a very touchy subject and I want to write something about it... but right now I'm too close to the subject. So, you, my faithful reader, will have to settle for another bicycle poem. I write about my bike a lot. Maybe the closest friend I have. 

Bicycle Dream

I was dreaming bicycle wheels the thick,
black kind that gobble down the gravel in
the alleyways as they lumber along,
go barreling along searching for a bit
of streetlight, a slice of moonshine to brighten
up a rather dull graveyard night.

I dreamed of red Corvettes and white Mustangs
chasing us, my bike and me, the two of us
swerving around the pot holed streets, dodging
the sticks and stones and shattered beer bottles
that jump out from the shadows... left over, no doubt,
from an OU Game Day. Yes, my dreams are similar
to my waking life... filled with hazards I’ll never tame.

But one tries with eyes open or shut
to make the best of what dreams may
happily throw their way. We take that
which we can and give what we must
to appease those ancient, thoughtless
 gods of human propulsion.
rrw 11-o2-12

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