Monday, December 31, 2012

December 31, 2012

Well, thought I would sit down today and write a poem about New Year's Eve. I think I've written one every year since 2005 or so... Not maybe the best poem. It will probably need to be revised. But I feel obligated to write something for the occasion. I do think I'm getting better at writing fast and with a bit more poetic accuracy. Anyway, here it is. Happy New Year to everyone:

New Year’s Eve (H.P.N.Y.)

It is morning. A new year percolates
inside my coffee cup, a spoon taps
the edges of its mouth as I stir
the cream into the darkness
that Folgers has conjured up.
The sugar has made the second sip
a bit less bitter than the sip before.

There's a soggy, grey world out there,
outside the smoke stained windows
of my small but somewhat comfortable room.
I can smell the wet, dry rot of winter,
the wood burning fire from next door
and a thick sent of peppermint from
the Christmas stocking she gave me
right before she walked out the door.

I may go out tonight, wiggle into
a freshly pressed pair of jeans,
loose fitting T, brush my teeth and hair.
Grab the camera, my winter coat and
gloves, the stocking cap I bought
last month in NYC. Don’t forget
clean socks and underwear and
that thick, black scarf she bought
me right before she left.

To that little bar just down the street
I’ll go. I’ll drink iced tea and maybe
sneak a cigarette or two while I watch
the girls in short black dresses
and to high a heel shoes stagger ‘round
from boy to man to boy searching
for that special one who looks like
Brad Pitt and smells like rum and violets.
I’ll watch them pick the one they’ll kiss
when midnight strikes and this year
finally goes its way and another just like
the last appears as festive songs
and drunken cheers greets it
like I greeted her when first we met.

Or perhaps I’ll just stay home.
I’ll watch TV alone.
A movie maybe, or music or
maybe I’ll write some poetry
and post it where my friends can see
how pitiful a man I have become
since she has gone away.
—rrw 12-31-12

Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 29, 2012

Yeah, I know. Awhile since I last posted. Been away at my friends house for Christmas. I've known this guy for 42 years been away from him for about 27 years. But we friends from the Marine Corps. Spent a lot of time growing up together. Could say he's my best friend... along with Nate Perez. They are the only two people I knew well who didn't give up on me. But enough of that... Here's an older poem that I've rewritten now... three or four times. I revised for a picture I took the other day... the first snow of December. Working on a new poem to start the New Year off. Plan to start writing "seriously" on the 1st. Anyway, here's the old poem:

The Ice Age

A thick frost accumulating ‘round my polar spirit;
I can hear it snoring quietly beneath the snow;
so restlessly, impatiently it dreams beneath the snow.
A chilly thought it is; a bitter storm of thought that snakes
its way between the quilts piled up about my heart... they
keep my hopes alive. My breath is but a shallow wish
 that the sun will peel away the winter festering on my skin,
replace the numbness of my fingers, feet,  my expectations
with a spring or summer like warmth sweet with sweat,
a day when ice and age no longer matter. Yes, oh, yes,
another time another place where time… no longer matters.
rrw 2-7-11 (rewrites o6-15-12) (12-28-12)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 23, 2012

Not feeling well... Too many years... too many cigarettes. But I survive. Don't we all. I never thought of myself as a "nature" poet. Thought it was too 19th century. A lot of contemporary poets try writing about the flowers, the rain, blah, blah blah... and it always sounds somewhat... fake. But lately the weather has been relevant to my life. About the only thing I experience anymore. I don't have friends, really. Not much interaction with people... so, I have a lot of time to think about the weather, watch it, let it affect me. Here's a "sort of" nature poem which I'm hoping is contemporary and doesn't read too cliched. It was inspired by Hurricane Sandy and, of course, that one girlfriend I've never gotten over.

Weather Depression

I was thinking about the weather
and noticed a depression mustering
around the polar regions of my heart.

Yes, you were there again uprooting
the trees then flinging them against
the neighbor's new truck. He was 
shocked to see the devastation
but was more worried about me
standing there barefooted in
a puddle of bloody, muddy water.

“Are you all right?” He asked as
he surveyed the damage you had caused.

“I thinks so...” I had a difficult time
looking him in the eye. I’m sure
he never expected that a girl
your size could reek such havoc.

Over the years I've learned to accept
the inclement weather that
accompanies your presence.
The thought of you raining
down on my shelter-less dreams
as just a given like snow in the winter,
dead leaves in autumn, the fall.

I've learned to accept the chance
that you will return and blast
the world away with the same
suddenness you left with. They
should name a hurricane after you.
rrw 1o-24-12

Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

It's been a painful day. The debate over gun control on Facebook gets heated and hurtful. I felt compelled  to "unfriend" a few close friends because of their outrageous opinions on mass murder and the NRA. It's a very touchy subject and I want to write something about it... but right now I'm too close to the subject. So, you, my faithful reader, will have to settle for another bicycle poem. I write about my bike a lot. Maybe the closest friend I have. 

Bicycle Dream

I was dreaming bicycle wheels the thick,
black kind that gobble down the gravel in
the alleyways as they lumber along,
go barreling along searching for a bit
of streetlight, a slice of moonshine to brighten
up a rather dull graveyard night.

I dreamed of red Corvettes and white Mustangs
chasing us, my bike and me, the two of us
swerving around the pot holed streets, dodging
the sticks and stones and shattered beer bottles
that jump out from the shadows... left over, no doubt,
from an OU Game Day. Yes, my dreams are similar
to my waking life... filled with hazards I’ll never tame.

But one tries with eyes open or shut
to make the best of what dreams may
happily throw their way. We take that
which we can and give what we must
to appease those ancient, thoughtless
 gods of human propulsion.
rrw 11-o2-12

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012
(The day before the end of the world)

Well, this could be the past poem I write... in this world. I know, I know. I'm being silly. But you can't be too careful. So, here's the "Last Poem I Will Ever Write." However, if by chance the Mayans were wrong about the end of all things... be sure I'll post another poem... tomorrow. 


My bike and I are ready for the world to finely end.
We’ll drink the morning coffee then we’ll call up all our friends
to wish them fair thee well, and tell the ones we never liked
to kindly go to hell.

We’ll  ride along the winter streets of dear ol’ Norman Town
stopping every now and then to watch the sun go down.
We both agree it is quite sad. We’ll never see or feel
that kindly sun again.

But there's no time for tears; the end is near. My conscience? Clear.
I'll go into that unknown night upon my bike and hope the end
is not as cruel as I have been, and heaven is as nice a place
as everybody says it is.
rrw 12-2o-21

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Poetry December 19, 2012
A lot of my poetry deals with being alone. Why? Well, because that tends to be my existence for the most part. Alone. I also write about simple things happening at the moment I'm writing. Again, Why? What else should I write about? The simple things, the "little" moments are what count. Those little moments of pain and/or delight shape us in ways that we may not be aware of. Here's a poem about being alone on a rainy night.

Another Rainy Night

A thick rain falling tonight
crackling like fire. The lightning
flash, the cold rumbling breath
of thunder shrivels summer
to a dark, cold whimper.

Rain has its own smell
born of earth and grass
a hint perhaps of sunflower.

For me a rainy night
has long wet fingers
that claw away
layer by layer every inch
of matted memory
that has dried up,
cracked and peeled
itself into fine red ribbons
that resemble rose petals.

Nature has never loved me
like a true mother, more
like a step son she thinks
of me... not truly hers
but still her responsibility.

She has called the rain tonight
to babysit, and it has never once
complained when I beg of her a gentle
lullaby to close my sleepy eyes to.
rrw o8-25-12

Monday, December 17, 2012

Poetry December 17, 2012

I want to start with a poem that came about NOT from the horrible school shooting last Friday but from the response on the TV by "experts" and by my friends on Facebook. Don't know if it really has a point... more like just a reaction to all the noise.

Not Me

Waking up, drinking coffee, a few hits of nicotine gum...
my world is so simple. Not like that "other" world, the one
just down the stairs, outside my apartment. It hasn't yet
figured out how simple this thing called living can be.
Poor old world outside my door... I'd invite you in for coffee,
nicotine gum and a pleasant chat... but I've only one cup and
my nicotine gum... well, I won’t give that up to strangers. No,
you’d have to pry my Polacrilex from my cold, dead hands!
Besides, you've been known to make a fuss on the carpets
of those who invite you in... AND... you never apologize or
even offer to clean your mess up! I'm afraid you'll have stay...
out there...  somewhere past the sidewalks where the wild
flowers grow, where the rest of this untidy world goes
to complain about its plight, about the price of taxes and rice
and the horrors of living in a country where freedom of thought
is held higher than the freedom of life. Where the young die
young, and the old die slow, and the shadow of the graves
you’ve dug for yourselves grows darker than the night that
soon will come and devour what little light still shines
for this fine but often confused Earth. But be of good cheer!
Don’t dismay The New Year is almost here, it’s on its way!
Maybe we’ll make it till then... and then... then what? 
rrw 12-17-12