June 16, 2o13
I'm sure this one was posted earlier on my blog, but I wanted to play around with new graphic ideas.
Thing at the Door
A sip
of cold coffee… glancing up,
a shadow
standing in the doorway. My heart beats somewhat slower
than a drum, somewhat faster than
the march of mourners to the grave.
In his
hands bloom two large fists,
knuckles, wrinkled fleshmarred by liver spots, dark brown…
the lifeless color of dried blood.
hair a memory to the top of his creased
skull, but
on the sides and back still alive in long, gray strains of what was once unruly red hair.
recognize his eyes too.
They stare
at me… blue rocks,hard unnerving glare,
a look that carves itself,
bores itself into my brain.
wants to talk, his lips move
there’s not a sound… no,there is a sound… the one
that leaves make on a windy,
autumn day, the one the dead make…
a rattling, breathy sound.
blink… he’s gone… just like that,
like a
spirit or a dream. No, a thingit was… standing at the door.
—rrw o2-19-13
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