Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013
     The trip to Tulsa last weekend seems to have got my creative thought flowing, that and the fact that we had a weird-ass winter storm here in Oklahomaland! What the hell?
Poop and Circumstance

Morning rain has turned to afternoon.
A muddy sky complains, more drops
dropping bombs on concrete walks,
against the windowpane. Fat chunks of ice

drip to death on angry trees,
another frigid, bitter day for them and me.
A sudden chill, a throb of pain reminds me
I should turn the heater on and patiently
wait out this freakish storm. It’ll pass
as all things pass, much later than too soon.
I think about the smile you wore the whole
weekend long, and that makes me smile
as I stop writing long enough to blow
warm breath at my numbing fingers.

Yes, nice to remember you and me
smoking cigarettes (which neither of us
should be doing) outside, closed in patio,
watching your dog poop! I suppose
some images don’t belong in a poem,
but it’s hard to forget how we laughed
at her and at ourselves for observing.

The spring was short lived, my weekend
away from it all, the same. Back to my
one room apartment above the grad
student who always wears a heavy
coat no matter what the weather,
no matter what the time of day,
no matter what warm memories
try to coax her out of her cage.
People are funny that way.
—rrw o4-1o-13

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