May 29, 2013
This one was written very fast... sometimes things work out that they just come together enough to say, "Hey! This is a poem!" It's a conglomeration of a bunch of ideas, experiences that I really didn't take notice of when they happened. But I sat down to write this poem and they ALL came rushing out. So this poem is about a month worth of experiences... not ALL the experiences, but the ones that (for whatever reason) stuck to my mind:
Wow! Up early! Outside already... hot, black coffee
and the insane sounds of morning birds... almost awake.
Another cigarette, I guess, I know I NEED to quit. Yet,
there’s something quit comforting about nicotine
and smoke, lighting up, breathing in and hopefully
breathing out… not knowing all the while the difference
between the two.
The spring winds threaten rain… but not this early.
They just sigh a bit, tickling the fresh, green tops
of the parking lot’s trees, fiddling with the little
of hair magically appearing from the inside of my ears.
I’m getting old… er and none the wise… r.
That’s why I smoke unfiltered Lucky Strikes,
drink the cheapest brand of coffee I can find
and waste my life away sitting on curb, in an ally
trying to reason with the mentally ill wildlife nested
above my head.
And poetry! What must I do? Is it really necessary
to climb on the back of Che Guevara’s motorbike
and go traipsing about through the Amazon jungle?
Must I stop at every mining camp and village hut
to preach the gospel according to Marx, Lenin, Ringo,
Paul and George?
Or is it enough to stretch my illiterate, long legs
out across the monochrome page and bitch about
that fucking one-eyed squirrel staring at me
from the tree across the way. Not sure who
is staring at who(m?). Not sure the squirrel
is really there… not sure I’m really here.
But I must be. Who else would write this
dumb-ass poem?
—rrw o5-28-13